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Articles and Posts
David Rice
May 26, 20222 min read
Importance of massage therapy
Do you own a car? If so, you probably know that in order to get the most miles from your vehicle and enhance its performance as well as...
David Rice
May 26, 20222 min read
How massage therapy works
There are many styles of massage and lots of different massage techniques. When it comes to relaxation, relief and restoration the most...
David Rice
May 20, 20223 min read
Enhancing performance with massage and bodywork
Massage therapy is a great way to help anybody enhance their overall performance. Whether you are an elite athlete or you just want to...
David Rice
May 20, 20223 min read
How to get the most from your massage
Receiving a massage seems simple enough. You lay on the massage table and the massage therapist gives you a massage. However, if you have...
David Rice
May 20, 20222 min read
Why get a massage on a regular basis
Reframing the way we think about massage... When most people think about getting a massage they think of it as something they can treat...
David Rice
May 20, 20221 min read
Why Deep Tissue Massage
Deep Tissue is recommended if you have areas of your body that need special attention. You know those "knots" in your back between the...
David Rice
May 20, 20226 min read
Heat vs. Ice: How and when to use
The elements of heat and ice for therapy are very effective. Most people are aware that ice is used for reducing inflammation typically...
David Rice
May 11, 20221 min read
Relaxation and the Breath
The body does not understand when we tell it to "relax". However, the body uses the breath as a relaxation response. We have all heard...
David Rice
Mar 2, 20223 min read
How to tip your massage therapist
Many people ask how they should tip their massage therapist. This is an interesting topic as some people know that tipping is pretty...
David Rice
Mar 1, 20223 min read
Do I really need to tip my massage therapist?
This article along with the other article about how to tip your massage therapist, which I wrote about 15 years ago when I was working...
© 2022 by Balance Point Massage and Bodywork
3910 Normal Street, Suite D San Diego, CA 92103
(619) 220-5997
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